Plantar Fibroma and Plantar Fibromatosis Treatment Options

A plantar fibroma is a benign nodule that grows on the bottom of the foot that usually appears in the second through sixth decade of life. It is usually slow growing and measures less than an inch in size. More invasive, rapidly growing (aggressive), and multiplanar fibromas are considered plantar fibromatosis. Both of them are benign tumors made up of  cells, or fibrocytes, found in ligaments.

Treatment Options

​Asymptomatic fibromas may be observed. Symptomatic (painful) fibromas may be treated with an off-loading insole or pad. Surgery is done for symptomatic fibromas when conservative treatment fails to give adequate pain relief. The recurrence rate is low for fibromas and significantly higher for plantar fibromatosis and in revision cases. Risks of surgery include wound complications, injury to local structures such as the digital nerves, and recurrence.


​Recovery may be hastened by elevation of the foot and diligent control of swelling to help prevent hematoma (blood clot)  formation and delayed wound healing. Return to unrestricted activity and shoewear is in the one to two month range.


​Recurrence is rare for fibromas but more common in multiple lesions or if invasive lesions are encountered.


  • Wound drainage or infection
  • Healed but painful wound
  • Recurrent mass
  • Chronic neuritic pain, especially for an invasive lesion or in revision surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I take off work for surgery?

One to two weeks if you can keep your foot elevated and stay on crutches—longer if this is not possible.

What happens if I wait?

There is no harm in waiting.

To learn more about plantar fibroma and plantar fibromatosis treatment options, please complete the appointment request box or call (973) 538-2334 to schedule a consultation with a Tri-County Orthopedics specialty-trained foot doctor.

*Source:  American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society®