Patient Education Articles

  • Spinal osteoarthritis (spondylosis) is a degenerative spine disease that causes the individual vertebrae of the spinal column to stiffen or become…

  • Spinal stenosis results from new bone and soft tissue growth on the vertebrae, which reduces the space in the spinal canal. When the nerve roots…

  • There's a good chance that while playing as a child or stepping on an uneven surface as an adult you sprained your ankle--some 25,000 people do it…

  • Stiff big toe, also known as hallux rigidus, is a form of degenerative arthritis that affects the joint at the base of the big toe. It causes…

  • Stress fractures are fractures of a bone because of overuse. Athletes who change their activities or start intense training too quickly are at…

  • A fusion is the creating of a bone where there used to be a motion segment (a joint). The derivation of the word arthrodesis is from the Latin…

  • A fusion is the creating of a bone where there used to be a motion segment (a joint). The derivation of the word arthrodesis is from the Latin…

  • Your hand is a complex and unique part of your body, composed of delicate tissues and an intricate network of bones, muscles, vessels, and nerves…

  • Surgical dislocation and debridement for FAI is a procedure used to remove excess bone growth and reshape the hip joint to allow for proper joint…

  • Talar fracture fixation surgery is performed to correct a fracture of the talus.  The talus is one of the three main bones that form the…